As part of the ongoing evaluation process of the CL4TEM project, field observations exercise was carried out in classrooms among the various intervention secondary schools in Tanzania. This process forms part of the midline assessment stage of the research. The fieldwork activities were conducted with the aim to gain insight into the impact of adopting the CL4TEM conceptual framework which included the effect of the developed CL4STEM OERs modules on PCK, knowledge and classroom practices, utilized by the teachers to engage students in their classroom activities. The fieldwork will serve as an important tool in educational research for gaining a deeper understanding of classroom practices. During the field activity, data were collected through interviews and classroom observation by the CL4STEM research fellows.
After the completion of the ongoing exercise, Subhanka, a visiting research fellow from TISS India, was presented a gift during a brief farewell by Prof. Ikwaba on behalf of CL4STEM project team in Tanzania and the University, for successfully completing the classroom observation fieldwork.