CL4STEM Teacher Educators in Bhutan Received Certificates Upon Completion of Reflective Teaching of STEM with ICT.

Bhutan, a small landlocked country located in the Eastern Himalayas that provides free education from primary to tertiary levels, places great emphasis on STEM education to encourage innovation, promote economic…

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Read more about the article The Virtual Launch of CL4STEM OERs by CL4STEM Partners in Bhutan
The virtual launch of CL4STEM OERs hosted by CL4STEM project partners in Bhutan

The Virtual Launch of CL4STEM OERs by CL4STEM Partners in Bhutan

As part of the project objectives to Integrate OERs for TPCK and inclusive Education into the curriculum for initial/newly qualified teachers. The CL4STEM OERs modules were successfully launched virtually by…

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Read more about the article CL4STEM OER Module Launch and NQTs Orientation Workshops in Nigeria
OER launch conference

CL4STEM OER Module Launch and NQTs Orientation Workshops in Nigeria

In continuation of its knowledge transfer activities, the Connected Learning for Teacher Capacity Building in STEM (CL4STEM) launched Open Education Resource (OER) modules for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics as…

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